Monday, July 5, 2010


A Good Read

Yesterday, Steve and I went to Clamerica at Cedar Key. I will write a separate blog posting for that. I ran into an author who had crossed this great country via a southern route from North Central Florida to the Oregon border on a bicycle with his faithful dog Lucy in tow. He was selling his two books in front of a local restaurant. I often buy books when I can meet the author, especially when he/she is willing to sign a copy.

These books are kind of a Steinbeck Travels with Charlie, but the first tour was done on a bicycle. Chris Buerki has self published this pair. The first, which I finished this morning, is entitled Travels with Lucy, subtitled, 3600 Miles, 19 Flat Tires, 7 Puppies, and 4 Near-Death Experiences. He’s a good story teller—well read and articulate. His adventures are rather amazing. Trials and tribulations. Meeting new people—good and not so good. The companionship of a wonderful furry friend. Hot weather. Head winds. Mountains. Deserts. Highs and lows of adventure. Black and White Photos.

Although I thoroughly enjoyed the entire story, if I had to name a favorite part, it would be his trip back from California. He needed to get both his bike and his faithful companion back to Florida. He was rather innovative and inventive in this solution.

I disagree with him on some levels. He does not like law enforcement; I’m a cop’s kid. And, his view on pot is quite different than mine. Also, I believe that one can tell a good story (and he can) without using the “f” word (which he does).

I guess my biggest problem with this first book, however, is the editing. I would like to volunteer to edit for him. Spell checks do not pick up things such as “it” or “is” if one really means “if.” There are many such faus pax throughout the book. Capitalization. Run on sentences. Punctuation. Using “I” when “me” should have been used. And ending so many sentences with a preposition. Drove me CRAZY. All need to be rechecked. It would have made the book so much better!

However, on the very positive side, it is a wonderful read from a great story-teller who kept meticulously detailed journals. Delightful. Heartwarming. Heart wrenching. Humorous. And, in parts—belly laughing funny.

I have gained new respect for cyclists, especially one with a dog.

The second book is entitled Travels with Lucy: Part II; subtitled On the Road with a Dog and Her Book. This one looks as though the tour is done partially by bike and partially by automobile. I am looking forward to reading it later this week.

27802 SW 120 Lane
Newberry, FL 32669

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