Friday, July 9, 2010

Census Update

We did not work for a couple of weeks.  Then, about half of us were called back.  Many of the Crew Leaders (CLs) became Crew Leader Assistants (CLAs); many of the CLAs became enumerators like me.  Many of the enumerators were not called back.

We are doing some clean up stuff. In our training class on July 1, our new CL defined himself as a perfect a-- ----. Perfection is something that not many of us can obtain, as a matter of fact, in most instances, we can never obtain it. However, this CL’s description of his personality is absolutely correct. He is a perfect one. I am so happy that this is a short term assignment. I can tolerate most things in the working world for a short period of time.

Example: Time sheets are two-part. I worked last Saturday and gave the time sheet to the CLA. I asked the CL for my copy on Tuesday. (I did not work on Monday). He said that he did not have it, but the CLA did. I asked him again on Wednesday; he still did not have it. Today, he was waving mine around saying that he was not going to keep time sheets for four days. If we did not pick it up the next day, he was going to toss it out. These sheets are the only record we have of our hours. I mentioned that I had asked him for it. His reply was that he did not have it. This was a general statement that he was making...still wildly waving my timesheet.

Example: Some of the EQ’s that have been turned in have common mistakes. Again, he chose one of mine to use as an example. My name was blocked out, but everyone in the room knew it was mine. There were four items that he counted as mistakes. Three, indeed, were errors. No excuses—I know why I made them—but they should not have been made. I asked him about the fourth which I still do not consider a mistake (He actually had to call HIS boss to clarify what was done). I apologized for the mistakes; he continued ranting for quite some time. He is quick to point out mistakes (not just me, but of others, as well) in front of everyone in a loud boisterous voice.  He loves to harp on mistakes.  Another enumerator had made a minor error.  The boss was still ragging about it after the guy left.

Example:  The Census Bureau would like us to complete our timesheets in either blue or black ink.  That does not seem to be a problem.  If one's pen runs out of ink in the middle, that person better make sure that the next pen picked up is the same color.  This CL will throw it back at you.  The ink has to be the SAME color for the whole sheet. 
I could go on and on, but…

I have always had trouble working for stupid/inconsiderate people, but this guy takes the cake. I guess stupid might not be the right word, but he can NEVER be wrong. And he is very inconsiderate. Very exasperating! Glad that it is only for a couple of weeks. And, I only have to see him for about an hour every day.

His boss, however, is a real charmer, smart guy and appears to be considerate.

Finding weird places…such as the vacant house out in the middle of the peanut field. Mail box on road. Fence locked. Hardly could see the house. Talked to a neighbor. Told me tenant trashed the house. Owner will not fix up. Sounds like another off the wall EQ for an  HU (housing unit) complete.

Found another house. Apparently Mom passed away last year. Only child is a druggie. House has been used only for “parties.” Neighbors would not give their names as proxies. Afraid of the retribution. Does not matter to me…another complete. Weird scenarios!

Racking up sooooooo many miles. Hooray!

I have met some wonderful people out there.  Yesterday, I found a young farmer, who apologized for being sweaty.  Com'n sir, you work hard for a living!  But the thing I found that I liked most about him was that he was concerned about my job.  He did not want to give much information--the bare minimum was all he wanted to tell me.  But, he was so sweet.  He asked me if he did not give me more information, would it affect me and my job.  The answer is NO, but I thought it was very nice of him to be concerned about me as  a fellow worker.

Still like most of the job!  Wish it could be permanent with a new boss.   But Alas! Alack!  It happens only every ten years.

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