Saturday, July 17, 2010

Census Reprise

This phase of our census work is quickly winding down.  The CL is completing his job by fulfilling his self-defining description of himself.  He is a perfect A-- ----!!!!!!!!!  The only time I have ever seen perfection in anything before.  Some how being a perfect A-- ---- would never be a goal of mine, but he has done it SOOOOO well.

PAH (from the above letters...perfect A-- ----) has been very condescending to the women.  The men are first and foremost.  The best example of this is we have to meet with him every morning, but we do not have set times--any time between 7:30 and 9:00 am.  There is also an afternoon schedule, but I do not got to that.  We need to turn in our time sheets and any work completed the day before.  So, we form a queue, so to speak.  (We don't form a line as such, but sit and talk...we know who is next, however).  Enumerator one (female) gets there first.  PAH has to verify her stuff.  Enumerator two and three are also female.  Male enumerator walks in while he is verifying the work of enumerator two.  All of a sudden, he becomes next in the queue as "he has work to do!"  What the heck does the CL think we are doing.  The upside, however, is that we are on the clock--bored out of our gourd--but on the clock.

Once most of the guys have gone through the queue, they may stay and talk (still on the clock)...just chit chat, nothing that necessarily is part of the job.  PAH never says anything to any of the guys.  However, if I stop to talk (which is one of my favorite past times),  PAH will say "Good-bye, Molly" and make sure I am out the door.

PAH did do one thing for which one woman benefited (the rest of us are REALLY annoyed).  One of our group had to go to the hospital emergency room.  She still had twnety-five EQ's stretched over five books.  They were supposed to be split amongst those of us who were finished or close to being finished to give us some more time.  Instead, all twenty-five went to one woman.  Most of us were struggling to get to twenty-five hours this week.  This woman made forty and a ton more miles with this little bonus.  A lot of irritation in that room this morning. PAH had some lame excuse.  But, that does not change the situation.

Part of me is happy that this phase of the census may be over.  If I had to work for this guy for very long, my big mouth would get me fired.  That might be good!  Then, I could start a law suit or something.

There is a slight possibility that those of us who have finished (I turned in my last EQ's and book this morning) may be shipped out to any area that has not yet finished.  That would be good.  But I hope I don't have to work directly with this turkey any more.  We do have one last meeting...Tuesday morning.  Than, I hope I never see him again.  I have NEVER disliked working for anyone so much before.

I enjoyed the job and most of the people that I have met.  I could work at this so very much longer if I had the opportunity, and PAH was not involved.

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