Saturday, January 28, 2012

Job's Daughters Installation

 "And in all the land were no women found so fair as the Daughters of Job".  Job 42:15 KJV
Job’s Daughters Installation
Despite what you might read, we are NOT a cult. We don't even come close to the definition. Yes, we have secrets, but many of our events, including the installation of officers are open to the public. And, if one is concerned about the fact that we have secrets, almost every fraternal, civic or political group has some thing(s) that is(are) not generally known to the outside--SECRETS. And, I would bet that everyone has at least one secret, the world does not know. BIG DEAL!

I love Rainbow, and I always will.  I learned so much in those formative years.  It certainly helped me in my walk with God and love of Jesus.  I am also stating that I am a follower of a Jewish carpenter...a Christian, if you will.  I was before being part of these organizations and NEVER have seen anything that would contradiction/compromise my Christianity or God's Word, The Holy Bible.  If that were so, I would not be a part of it.  Having said that to the nutcakes out there who believe we are cults, I will continue my dissertation on a very lovely ceremony.
As I have mentioned before, I was a Rainbow Girl and like the Marines…one never really stops being a Rainbow.  I grew in Southern New England.  I never heard of Job’s Daughters until I was an adult and visited Rainbow Grand Assembly in Florida.  We did not have Jobies in New England…at least not in Southern New England…Connecticut and Rhode Island.  If I had the opportunity, I would have been a member of both.  Both organizations are for girls in their teens.  Eligibility ages are between ten or eleven or twelve…depending on the jurisdiction and a few other somewhat insignificant details.  Both are Biblically based. Both teach all kinds of good attributes.  

There are, however, differences between Rainbow and Job's.  The first difference between the two that is obvious is that Job’s Daughters have to have a Masonic affiliation…father, brother, grandfather.  Rainbow does not need the affiliation.  One can join as a “friend” of a Rainbow with a Mason, Eastern Star or Amaranth member signing the petition.  This person often might have been the father of the original Rainbow. Lynne was also a Rainbow girl, although she did not have the same opportunities that I had to be involved as much as I was. (Her father was military, and they moved often.)
I visited a Rainbow Assembly in Florida back a bit.  And was sorely disappointed (separate posting).
I later was visiting in Venice, Florida where a contingent of Job’s Daughter were serving supper for the local Masonic Lodge.  They were adorable.  I sat next to one of their advisors.  Long story short, I was invited to attend an upcoming installation in Tampa.  I talked to Lynne who was up for this venture.  At first Lynne was going to drive north; I, south.  But Lynne was staying at my house after Brooksville.  So, I followed her to John Darling Lodge. 

My friend Christina from Eastern Star was planning on going to this Installation to bring her two older daughters (and a couple of relatives visiting from Virginia. (As an aside Christina’s daughter could have been cloned from her older cousin…they sure looked alike.)  Christina is a Past Honored Queen of Job’s in Virginia.  So, we were kind of sure that we would know at least one person.  I had met and talked to some of the young ladies at the supper. 
When we got there, the very first impression was the friendliness of those present.  One sweet young lady who remembered me from the dinner, greeted me with a huge hug.  This experience was so different from my previous visit to Rainbow, who totally ignored me. It’s not the difference in the organizations, but, instead, the difference in the adult leadership.
The ceremony was beautiful. And, very impressive.  Each girl was escorted into the Bethel room by a gentleman…father, grandfather or a DeMolay boy. They are girls, so there was a bit of young lady silliness.  I listened to several before the Installation started.  They were talking about how cute “they” are.  We know that they had to be talking about the DeMolay boys (who were, indeed, cute).  But more time was spent on the solemn seriousness of the occasion.   

The outgoing Honored Queen was the Installing Officer for the new Honored Queen…her sister.  The girls wear white robes with the top three officers each wearing a beautiful purple robe.  I was really impressed by the whole occasion.
After all the various portions of the ceremony were finished, we were invited to the dining room for “refreshments” which turned out to be a meal.  Grilled hot dogs or hamburgers.  Various salads.  Mac and Cheese.  Cookies.  And, of course, a special cake for the new Honored Queen.
I am happy and feel blessed to have made the trip.  As it turned out, Lynne and I knew several of the gentlemen who have been at other related events and occasions.  We also met and talked to several others…some Rainbow and majority Rainbow girls, some parents of Job’s.
One of my favorite things about being a member of the Masonic family as both and OES and Amaranth member and an “old” majority Rainbow is visiting and meeting new people.  I don’t really see strangers as strangers, just acquaintances that I have not met yet.
I had put together a couple of gift baskets to be auctioned off at an upcoming ball for Christina’s mother.  I had not brought them to the last meeting that I attended for Eastern Star.  They traveled a long way, but were delivered to Christina for her to take to her mother for her to take to the ball.  So, I accomplished a second  thing, somewhat by accident. 
After the meeting, Lynne went south to home; I, north. I felt good.

pictures later

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