Saturday, August 6, 2011

B is for...

B is for Boston, Beth & Bodacious

Oh, so many true New Englanders bleed Red for the Sox. Yawkey Way! Fenway Park!.  The Big Green Monster! Since I have been living in Florida, I am amazed at the number of baseball caps that I see with the big B. I guess I should not be really surprised as there are so many of us New England Yankee transplants.

A year or two ago, I discovered that a young woman that I have known for a very long time showed up at my house with the “B” hat. I was genuinely surprised for a couple of reasons.

The first is that not one of my friends—male or female—is a sports fan. That includes her parents. Where did she get her interest in sports, I wonder. I got my love of sports—especially my love of the Sox—from my Dad.

My second reason for surprise was the fact that she is a Red Sox fan. Granted she was born at THE Cape (New Englanders belief that Cape Cod is THE Cape). Her father was career Navy, and they moved out of New England when she was an infant. They lived in Jacksonville, Seattle, Texas and New York state (and maybe a few other places). But I don't think she ever lived in New England again. She was still in her teens when her father retired from the Navy and moved to Florida.

I teased her that the B must be for Beth (her name). At first she wasn’t sure if I was serious and that I really did not know what the big B meant. It only took a few seconds for her to catch on that I was pulling her leg. Her quick answer came back, “No, it stands for bodacious!”

We have a few other things in common.  We both have done Civil War re.enacting. 

We both like PEZ dispensers.  She likes them more than I do.  She is a collector.  I, on the otherhand like them because the candy is made in Orange, Connecticut.  I find the design cute and unique.  When I travel, I often give away packages of PEZ, the candy, and let people know that it is a product of my home state.  Most of the more recent dispensers, however, are made in--you guessed it--China.  But when I see one that is different (or perhaps one that is on sale) I add to her collection.  Early this year I was able to find two limited edition Red Sox dispensers while visiting in Connecticut.  Bet she won't find those any where else.

Yes, Beth, you are bodacious!

And, despite your nomadic life, you are a true New Englander!


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