Friday, July 22, 2011



On the way back from Providence, I made several detours. I wore my UCONN socks, so I thought a trip through Storrs—the hometown of the main UCONN campus—would be appropriate. That is the University of Connecticut (UCONN), not that place in Canada (YUKON). (So many dummies get this mixed up. Someone even asked me once when I was wearing the UCONN hat if I was a Sarah Palin fan…you jerk…you spelled it wrong…and it’s in Canada…not Alaska. I don’t dislike her, but these people are dumber than dirt.)  There are a bunch of people dumber than dirt.

I do find it a great play on words, however, that whosoever decided to have the mascot--the huskies-- was quite clever.

I see the President honored the basketball champions this year…the UCONN Huskies. It seems that many years, the President is honoring UCONN basketball, but most of the time, it is the woman. At least the Presidents know who we are. Hope they never get sick of seeing one of the teams meeting with them.

I have always a UCONN Huskies fan. It became more so after we moved to Florida. I had a store the first couple of years and flew my blue and white within the store. NO ONE knew who or what a UCONN was. But, today, anyone who is a sports fan or lives in New England knows UCONN.

The tiny town of Storrs is not necessarily like other college towns. It is still very rural. At one time, it was a high quality agricultural college/university. It has grown into many other . The campus is stretched over the entire area, the dairy barns and grazing cattle fields are still intact. The pastoral look of the town is so serene and calming.

My uncle was a chicken farmer well into the 1960’s. One of the men that worked with him took courses at Storrs. His license place was HAMM. He used to tell the story about parking next to another farmer or farm worker who had the tag EGGS. As a kid, it made me giggle.

Despite the size of the town, however, it housed the largest FRIENDLY restaurant I have ever seen. Caught me off guard. Shoulda taken a picture, but...

I parked to take a picture of the main street of town and discovered that I was on Dog Lane. Don’tcha just love it!

For those who are not sports fans…the UCONN women have formed a dynasty of winning championships for several years. Unfortunately, they did not complete the task this year. However, with 90 consecutive wins, they broke UCLA’s (men's) long time record of 88 consecutive wins.  Stanford is UCONN's one true nemesis--they broke the streak and knocked the Lady Huskies out of the 2011 tournament. 

In 2004, both the men and women won their respective titles. The only Division I school ever to have done this.  (I loved this year for sports...the Red Sox, Patriots, UCONN and Tampa Bay Lightning for Hockey--I used to be a Whalers fan, but they broke my heart and moved.  So, my next choice became Tampa Bay.  Because of the strike that year they held the trophy for two seasons.)

I now live in the GatorNation (University of Florida) and do like to see the championships they earn. I cheer them as long as my dogs are not involved.


Oh, what the heck, since they seldom play each other, GO GATORS!

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