Saturday, August 6, 2011

Alcova Lake

Alcova Lake is about thirty miles southwest of Casper.  There are abundant, gorgeous, inexpensive (no amenities or electricity) campgrounds located around the lake, many on water's edge.  Marinas.  Inns and General Stores in a short driving distance. Fauna!  We spent an afternoon riding around the lake and its immediate area.  Only cost was gasoline, of course, and a stop at a General Store for a soft drink.  The scenery cannot be described in words.  These pics were shot with a Canon Rebel Digital with an image stabilizer camera.  It was left on automatic.  The car windows were down.  We rarely stopped. Pics were taken, generally speaking, therefore, as the car was moving.  The lens is a Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 55-250mm 1:4-5:6 IS.  The rock formations and the azure blue sky just don't have enough words to do them justice.  Some of the pictures were taken on the road between Casper and Alcova.

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