Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Redfeather Ladies' Investment Club

A special meeting of the Redfeathers Ladies’ Investment Club was called to order in the social room of Ocala Chapter OES with its eight members and many guests to discuss a very strange situation on Saturday, May 8, 2010. A recent murder! A man was found shot with a red feather near his body.

The ladies had made excellent investments through the club over the years and were all wealthy. And all of them had acquired recent beaux. Coincidently, none of the beaux would have a picture taken with his new lady. In their discussion, they discovered that each beaux had a name that was a variant of Will—Willie, Bill, Billy, Wilson, Wilfred, William, etc. The other peculiarity was that he always saw each one on a very tight schedule…Monday evening for one, a specific afternoon for another, Thursday night for yet another. He was extremely charming and really easy on the eyes.

The members were Agnes (portrayed by Dee), Charlene (Teri)—the weeping investor of apartment buildings, Helen (Marilyn)--the clux, Betty (Pamela)—the leader who invested in a non existent shopping mall, Louise—the cheerleader was absent, Jane (Virginia)—the lover of gold and jewelry, Louise (Jane)—the equestrian and owner of Derby winning horses, and Barbara (Trish)—the pill popping hypochondriac.

Louise said that she "knew" he was a phony since he did not call the racing horses “thoroughbreds.” And, “He did not know an Appaloosa from an Arabian.”

Of course, all the women had motive since Will (or whomsoever he was portraying) had taken all for substantial sums of money for various ponzi schemes. All were potential suspects in the murder of the gentlemen who turned out to be the beaux for each of these ladies and had taken each of them for large sums of money. An additional suspect was David (George) who believed the victim owed him money.

It did turn out that he had a couple of other women, who were not members of the Redfeathers, on the side as well. And, probably, a wife.

It was the job of the guests to figure out whodunit.

In my opinion many of these women were not guilty as they had gotten some sort or revenge before he was shot. One trashed his apartment, one maxed out his credit cards, one did a real number on his sports car, including sand in the gas tank. Once a woman gets revenge, if she feels it would hurt enough, she does need to kill.

The guests were treated to a wonderful cold plate luncheon of various salads—chicken, potato, a delicious orange fluff—fresh fruit, pickles, hard boiled eggs, ice tea/coffee, and dessert.

I love murder mysteries. This is the first that I have attended in which I did not have to work. Good job, Ocala Chapter!

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