Sunday, May 2, 2010

2010 Census--Day 2

The picture has nothing to do with the writeup, except for the beautiful sky which we have had for several days.

The Census Bureau believes that evenings and weekends are a good time to catch Non Responders (the people for whom we are trying to get information). The folks who made these observations are not sitting in rural North Central Florida.  The powers that be wished for us to work yesteray.  I am not too sure that this was given much thought.  A beautiful Saturday morning in Florida in the area of a golf course, and they think that I am going to find people home.  C'mon!

But being the good little soldier/employee that I am, I went out to finish a portion of the area in which I was working.  Stopped at five homes.  No one was there at four of them.  One of the four has a wrong address.  I will present this to my Crew Leader on Monday, but I think I know how to "fix" it.  It involves a "delete" and "add" a new address.  I left a "while you were out" at that address anyway. It does, however, appear to be vacant. 

My job is to make sure that was its status on "Census Day."  Census Day is April 1, 2010. (How come the government picked April Fool's Day!!!???--April Fool's--Really??)  I don't know! 

Two of the others were definitely vacant, but I have to do some follow up on them, nonetheless.

I took several wrong turns in the maze of roads in this convaluted challenging mish mosh neighborhood.  But found my way in and out eventually (really racking up those miles!)

My last house was the most interesting.  We have ID badges, carry a brief case that says "US Census Bureau," and a car tag in our window.  In addition, I had acquired a hat that says, "Be Counted. 2010 Census" which I wear when I am out and about.  (I am the only one that has this hat, however.)  I walked to the door (always do this with a smile).  Did not get to the door when it opened before me.  Started my speil which begins with my name and showing the ID.  The woman answered, "did it!"  Then, she slammed the door full force in my face.  Glad I was standing a couple of feet back.

So, on Friday, my batting average was high;  Saturday zero for five. Well, actually that gives me one for five as the door slamming incident will allow me to complete my form with a "REF" for--guess what--tahdah..."Refused."  I guess that's why they tell us that we need to average one completion per hour. 

It's gonna be an interesting four to sixteen weeks.  Lookin' forward!

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