Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dominoes and 'Possums

There is a group that plays dominoes almost weekly.  I have joined the group on a few occassions.  They use a double twelve dot set and up to six people can play each set.  Extra tables are added and the group divided to equal smaller groups if there are more than six players.  Nice small group made up of both men and women of two different church groups.  It so happens that we only had four people today. AND I WON!

Nancy got to telling us the story of the captured opossum.  She had no intention of trapping a 'possum; her goal was a mean, nasty neighborhood stray cat.  But, alas, alack, she won the 'possum instead. 

As we all know, the 'possum's best defense is to play dead.  So, in this live trap, the critter played dead.  The trap has two doors.  First she opened one and shook it.  The 'possum would not come out.  She had placed the 'possom and cage on the trail gate of her truck.  She shook and jiggled and shook some more.  That critter was not going to move.  Finally, with a broom handle she was able to push it out onto the back of the truck's tail gate.  Still it would not move.  She got in, started the truck, put it in gear, hit the gas and then the brake, really quickly.  That critter was glued to its position.  Reminds me of a cartoon character with all four feet plastered against a wall or something.

Try the gas, brake trick again.  Still on the tail gate.  Get that broom out again and gently prod it off the truck.  Well, that finally worked.   This project took almost an hour.  The critter finally ambled off.

Hope the next time she uses that trap, she gets what she has set out to capture.

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