Monday, September 9, 2013


Check out my extra long canine teeth!
Hi, I'm Jack aka Captain Jack.  I find some really unusual positions for sleeping.
I was born February 21, 2012, one of six.  They tell me that my litter was not a healthy one.  Two of my siblings passed away in a couple of days.  My brother Willie and I both had some sort of eye infection and both of us lost our right eye.  In addition, I was born deaf and have a neurological dysfunction.  But, don't give me any sympathy!!!  I am a happy healthy lovable kitty. 
They tell me that I look like my birth mother.  I thought she was gorgeous.  In addition to Willie, I had a sister whose name was Carlotta.  The three of us look like Mom.  Then there was Captain Morgan.  He was the biggest of the group.  He looked like a fluffy Siamese.  Willie and I had our "surgery" early.  Captain Morgan went out for his surgery (neutering) and was adopted on the spot. He did not come back, buy found a great forever home..  Mom and the three of us were living at a cat rescue, when some problems arose.  Mom had her surgery and was soon adopted.  By this time we were several months old.  So, it was the three of us. 
There was a need to limit our over-crowded shelter.  So, some foster moms and dads came ant took many of the kittens to a foster home.  Well, Willie, Carlotta and I went to a home that had a dog and a bunch of other cats.  We were there for about a month.  They were growing bigger.  It was hard for me to play with them as I was the runt and my growth very slow.  My foster Mom found a forever home for the two of them (they are together in their forever home).  That left me.  I was still very rocky.  If I jumped down, I would land on my head and do a belly flop.  But, I never gave up.  My foster folks decided to let me stay with them. 
After Willie and Carlotta left, I began a growth spurt.  I am average for my age now. My balance started to improve (although I still have my bad moments).  I have a really good olfactory nerve (a really good sniffer/nose).  So, that every time Mom is in the kitchen, I am under her feet.  I make no noise.  I don't hiss, spit, or meow.  But, I have a Mozart type purr.  It seems to be several octaves.  It is very melodious!  Mom loves it..   
Despite my challenges, I love life and everything that goes on around me.  I am afraid of almost nothing.  The dog is a Springer Spaniel.  He licks me often.  My only fear is when that big black Roscoe cat comes near me when I trying to eat.  He bats at me and sometimes hurts.  So when I see him coming, I back off.
I am told that I am very funny.  I have two cats that I would consider playmates.  We do have some fun times.

Mom bought this for her exercise, but I have a better need for it.
I'm sure Mom will post more pictures later of me and the other critters in the house

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