Sunday, September 23, 2012

Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln

My friend Sue B. recently emailed me a flyer about a presentation at the Dunnellon Library that featured President and Mrs. Lincoln.  It was held Saturday, September 22.  We were headed to visit Bev in Hudson for a late lunch.  So, we headed south and stopped in Dunnellon.  The room was SRO, but we had gotten there early enough to get a good seat.

William and Sue Wills perform a wonderful two person show.  He has done the research on the Presidents and the First Ladies.  She has designed the costumes.  They have performed in thirty-five states, including many Presidential Libraries.  Thirty-three Presidents and First Ladies.  Their current set of venues are Florida Libraries.

As the Lincolns, they started their presentations individually talking about their early lives.  They moved on to their courtship, marriage, lives together--including their children's births and deaths.  It continued on telling of the various offices he held. The Presidency. The President's death. Her life after the President's assassination--including the death of their third son.  And, eventually of her own passing.

Lots of Lincoln's stories.

The presentation was slightly over an hour.  It was very riveting and emotionally charged.  I don't think I was the only one in the audience who had a tear or two in their eyes.  Even Steve said, "It was almost a tear jerker."  Steve, it was not "almost;"  it was a tear jerker.

If you get a chance to see them perform, put it in your schedule.  There was no admission fee at this particular venue, but one might check, first.  The do sell DVD's.  I went without my wallet.  Therefore, no cash, check or credit cards.  I will be ordering in the near future, however.

Lincoln before his beard

Lincoln did not have a beard until after his election as President when a young lady named Grace wrote to him and suggested that he grow one.  She thought it would name him look more distinguished.  He had grown a beard before he was inaugurated on March 4, 1861.

The President was the calm one of the union.  Mary had both a temper and a jealousy streak.  She also liked to spend money.

As re.enaactors, Steve and I have seen many Lincoln portrayals.  We have also seen a handful of Mary Lincoln's.  This performance, by far, was my favorite.

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