Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Betsy

Today is the fifteenth birthday of Betsy and the ninety-seventh anniversary of Steve's Mom's Birth.

Betsy came to us in 2004.  She had lived with a woman who was divorcing and leaving the state.  Sadie, also came to us at that time.  Betsy spend the better part of the first two years in high places such as on top of the refrigerator.  She was a bit stressed as she also had a very yappy dog living with the divorcee.  Now, she is one relaxed lady despite the Springer that lives here too.  She's my talker.  One can carry on a regular conversation with her. Unfortunately, the communication  part is not so good as I do not understand cat.  She does, however, seem to understand human.  She likes to be patted, but not held.  I am happy that she joined our family.

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