Sunday, June 27, 2010


I have not been very good about keeping up to date in June. So, I have some unfinished business…

The repaving of our road and a couple of others is done. Most of the roads in this neighborhood are dirt and will remain that way. They are graded regularly, but we have a brand new road. Hip, HIP, HOORAY!

The CENSUS—I have been on a hiatus for a couple of weeks. Start again with a training class for the next portion on Thursday. The last training class was primarily held in a Presbyterian Church. This training session is going to be held in a Baptist Church. Although the Constitution says nothing about the separation of church and state, the ACLU has long made a point of that separation. Bet they could make a big deal out of this too.  We actually had a lawsuit in Florida (of course) over a polling place.  In Florida much of our polling places are churches or religious centers.  The voting takes place in the fellowship halls.  (In Connecticut most of the voting takes place in schools ).  Some idiot sued over this practise.  Can't get much dumber as far as I am concerned.

Speaking of the Constitution, the census, of course, is required by it…Article I, Section 2, Paragraph 3. In the several weeks which doing the job, I carried a copy of this document in my briefcase. My friends teased me that I was probably the only enumerator in the entire US who so did.

But, I will say that I did drag  out my copy of that great document a couple of times:

One person said that she “did not wish to participate.” My reply was that it was the law and in the Constitution. She asked her husband, “Bobby, is it the law?” I dragged out my copy and asked her if she wanted to read it. She declined the opportunity to read it, but did give me some minimal information.

When another man was giving me a hard time, I explained to him that it was in the Constitution. He argued about what it said. I offered to let him read it. He refused to speak to me after that. A neighbor “proxied” the necessary information…nah-nee, nah-nee, nah-nah. I had “met” the neighbor by phone as she responded to my “while you were out” notice and told me about several snowbird houses. This one guy was not a snowbird, so I had to go back and try to talk to him. The neighbor was walking. This is an area where there is NO traffic (only the snowbirds and these two neighbors). So, I stopped the car and introduced myself and she babbled very nicely the information I needed.

I find it interesting that neither wanted to see the “proof.” But, I had it there for them. As I mentioned, my friends had a field day at my expense because I carried it. I mentioned this to my group. Our CL thought it would have been a good idea for every single enumerator across the county to carry it. But, like so many things in this census, hindsight is…(well, you know the rest). The thing is there should not be any “hindsights” in this census. It is the 23rd time we have done one in this country. You’d think we would have gotten it correct by now.

They tell us that this was supposed to be the first “fully automated” census. Last year in address collection, we had HHC (hand-held computers) made in Taiwan. I had a mental problem with using foreign made computers to do a US census. I thought that was only my opinion, but since we went back to old manual way of using paper maps and books, I guess I was not the only one who saw the problem. My cousin, the accountant, said that they went with the cheapest (which to him is a high compliment…go with the cheapest). But my response was, “Exactly!” Cheapest did not get the job done! Concept, good; product, junk.

I have enjoyed doing the work. I really like the job! Met lots of great people. Learned much.  Had fun!  (Is a job really supposed to be fun!!!???? Yeah, I think so.

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