Friday, May 11, 2012

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things—
About Evergreen Club for Travelers

Our friends Mary and Jim told us about Evergreen—oh, so many years ago.  I resisted for some time.  Thought it sounded too good to be true.  But, it is true.  And it is good.
We joined in 2007.  We used it several times in a trip out West.  Then in 2008, health problems brought up the possibility of never using it again.  So, we dropped our membership.
In 2009 we discovered that the health problems were under control and began our time with Evergreen once again.
In 2012 (this year) we took one trip to New Orleans and then I took a second trip to New England by myself.  In these two trips--four hosts, five nights on each trip.
I/we have stayed with Evergreeners in eighteen states, twenty-six hosts/towns, thirty-five nights.
And, why do you suppose, I like this soooooooo very much?!?
Value.  Of course, the monetary value cannot be beat. 
Clean sheets.  There is no place like someone’s home to know that one is going to have clean sheets (I can’t say that every motel can make that statement…some have been pretty bad).  And, a clean bathroom.  Two great joys of life.
Trust and trustworthiness.  At more than one host family’s home, we have been left alone for a few minutes or a couple of hours as the host needed to do an errand, or go to their kids home for dinner, or to choir rehearsal/Bible study or various other reasons.  We trust each other.  The hosts trust their guests; the guests trust their host.  (Although one of my favorite hosts—a family I visited on two separate occasions—told me that before he left for a quick trip away from the house, he counted the silver.  This gentleman is quite funny.  Love him!)
Personalities.  The personalities are those of outgoing, caring folks.  They seem to love the hospitality that they extend.
 Locals.  They know their area.  They know the best places to eat and the best value, therein.  They know the best ways to beat the local traffic.  They know the shortcuts. They oft get freebies or discounts for being locals.  If one is with them, these perks are extended to the visitors.  We saw a discounted excellent show at Branson since they bought the tickets (we repaid them).  And we saw parts of Custer, SD for which we probably would not have gone.  Custer County residents were treated well. And, of course, they know the best stores in which to shop.
Helpful/hospitality.  They not only know the stuff of their locale, but they are also willing to share their knowledge.  I have also had help in using my computer.  One host this year had just broken her foot.  Had we known that ahead of time, we would have made other arrangements.  But she was so very gracious.  We had decided before hand and had discussed with the hosts that we were not going to stay for breakfast.  She was grateful for that, but I’m willing to bet, that had we not said that, she and her husband would have gotten something on the table.  Once this year I messed the directions up so badly that the host met me at the local shopping center and I followed him home. 
Faith-based.  This is a word used by one of my hosts.  She said that she felt that most of the families are faith-based.  I tend to agree with her.  Most of the hosts that I have visited have a faith-based background. They are strong in their faith and live it. Not a particular religion, denomination, or doctrine, but good living faith.  (Although one host proclaimed that he was a confirmed atheist—and maybe in a sense, that is in its own faith).
Talents.  Music. Computer. Building.  Air craft mechanic. Writers. Painters. Sometimes we even get to view the results of these talents. (There’s an unpublished book that one host has written.  It is really great.  After two visits, I have finished about half of it.  Guess, I have to go back again.  Lots of paintings).
Politics.  I do my best to stay away from this subject. I never argue with a host, but just nod by head if one gets into this area, especially if my view is different. One can oft know how a family feels by little signs (like bumper stickers or pictures—you know if he/she has a picture on the wall shaking hands with a well-known poll that he/she is probably a member of the same party--and sometimes the books on the shelf).  I have found that many of the hosts share at least some of my political views.
I Think I've Been There.  Sometimes I feel as though this world gets smaller and smaller.  I stayed with one couple in Tennessee.  The lady of the couple and I had lived within a mile of each other for many years in New England.  We had some good laughs over the pronunciation of the town.  With another couple (Louisiana) the gentleman had grown up in the town where I worked for many years.  We mutually knew several people including my attorney.  A third woman was the manager of a not-for-profit thrift shop in which I had spent lots of money on some wonderful depression glass over the years.
Friendship.  We have formed a couple of long term friendships. 
Safety. This is by far my favorite,  favorite reason for loving Evergreen. Due to some strange circumstances, I have made many trips by myself. There is a great deal of comfort in safety. Usually, when I am going to stay in a motel, I have driven until I am exhausted (one would think that I would learn by now that I need to stop sooner). Because, it is usually dark, and I am beyond tired, I take the first motel that comes along. Not the best judgment! I have stayed--both with my husband and by myself—in places where I wanted to pull the dresser in front of the door or refuse to take a shower, or make sure my bed bug spray can is working. I have not had any of these issues with Evergreen hosts. I know that I am safe.
I can't compare myself to Letterman with my top ten list, as my list is longer.
Those who belong to our 2012 “club” through early May.

Barbara and Lawrence, Milton, FL

                            Barbara and Peter, Slidell, LA

Frank and Diane, Algiers, LA

                        Rhonda and Dave, Seagrove, FL

Ray and Marcia, Greenville, NC
Ray turned 90 the morning of my stay

Maury and Joan, Middletown, DE

Pam and Mike, Winsted, CT

 Rose and Richard, Winchester, VA

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