Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our Very Surprising Event

Jane, the mover and shaker behind coordinating Pioneer Days, became a really wonderful liaison for a new and exciting event for us. 
The Peace River Electric Cooperative presents a wonderful pre-annual meeting extravaganza.  They had asked Jane if she knew of a kettle corn setup…someone that they could invite for this festival.  She mentioned Miss Molly’s.  I called her a few days before Pioneer Days for something totally unrelated.  She mentioned Jeff’s request and gave me his phone number.  We talked and worked out the details.
While at Pioneer Park, another organizer of the event, visited us.  Mike liked what he saw.  Hardee County is over 150 miles away from our home.  It is one thing to go down for six days with the potential of selling for five days.  But to go there for a portion of one day…I don’t know…did not sound too great for me.  Well, Jeff and Mike and the Board, made it worth our effect.  Jane offered to allow us to leave our trailer at her farm.  Hauling the trailer an extra three hundred miles certainly makes a difference in our gas mileage.
Friday we got into the van and traveled back to Hardee County, picked up the trailer and set up.  We retired to Pioneer Park to camp for the evening.
The festive occasion started the next morning.  The staff was out there very early.  The lot where the festivities were to be held was “sugar” sand.  We were concerned about our getting stuck, but we were blessed and did not.  However, the Wauchula Police trailer got stuck and another display truck got stuck.  The power company trucks came to the rescue.

The timing for the party was 10:00 am to 1:00 pm when the meeting was to start. And, it did start exactly at one!  Besides kettle korn, other food items included nachos, hot dogs, regular popcorn, soft serve vanilla ice cream (with optional chocolate, strawberry, or pineapple sauces), shaved ice.  We served somewhere between 800 and a thousand bags in that short time frame.
Lots of displays:  Hardee County Sheriff’s trailer, Wauchula Police trailer (both with displays), an exhibit by the Florida Highway Patrol, Fire Department and their various vehicles, Payne’s Creek State Park, several local environmental companies and not for profits.

Two Corrections Officers with their ten-month old bloodhound (Jake) were there.  Jake was kind of nervous as this was his first time out.  He sought shelter in his cage frequently.   
A helicopter landed and took off.

Local companies (such as the company that makes the poles to carry the electricity).
The local milk coop had a display which gave away Gustafson chocolate milk and samples of Cabot cheese.
Lots of large blow up things for the kids…slide, bouncy castle, etc.
Pony rides.
Ungoing music/entertainment.

The meeting started with a color guard presenting the colors.  The Pledge of Alligance.  God Bless America!

Lots and lots of giveaways which included everything from baseball caps to gift baskets to a truck in the bright orangey-yellow which the power company uses.
The day, to me, was amazing.  I have never seen an annual meeting like this.  Eight hundred “members” plus their spouses, kids, grandkids and anyone else locally who wanted to share the day.
Jane came through our; as did fellow county employee Steve.  Steve had helped us break down our tent the previous Sunday in the wind.
Because most of our events are in time frames that are before the general use of electricity, sometimes I like to have fun with some of the customers.  This was a great place to do my little craziness about electricity since the staff all wore shirts with Peace River Electric Cooperative embroidered thereon.  Sometimes, I say to people, “Electricity, what earthly good is that; the only thing that it appears to be good for is running the telegraph!”  Most people get this; some look at me as though I had three heads (the doe in the headlight look).  The ones that get it usually just laugh.  But, I actually had someone that came right back at me.  Mr. Mulcay, the GM, replied ever so quickly… “Telegraphs are so unreliable.  I think we should stick with the ponies.”  Mr. Mulcay really gave me something that seldom happens to me…he gave me a good “gotcha!”  I love it.
Thanks, Jane, Jeff, Mike, directors and Mr. Mulcay of PRECO.  

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