Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tale of Woe

My Tale of Woe

Let me tell you my tale of woe. My computer was dying a slow death. I took it to the computer doctor, who made it better for a short time. Then, the death rattle started once again. I had the use of another computer, but it was very old and did not allow me to move into my blog. I finally broke down and bought a new computer…well, actually two…a little netbook and a new desktop. I am on the road at the moment using the little netbook. I do not have internet connection yet. With my old computer, I was stuck in the 90’s and still had dial-up. I have discovered, much to my chagrin, that new computers do not allow dial-up any more. I have also discovered that in my rural Florida setting, I have almost no choices as with what my server can be. But I soon will be getting the necessary stuff to begin to function in the Two Thousand teens. Don’tcha love it!


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