Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Weather Outside is Frightful...Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Wait a minute!  That is NOT supposed to happen in Florida.  But it did.  We woke up this morning with a layer of snow.  It could be seen on the cars.  On the news tonight, there were writings in the snow on various cars and children with snowballs.  No, No, please say it is not so.  It has been twenty years since the last snow.  Not long enough as far as I am concerned.

Last night the thermostat outside hit eighteen degrees.  It is also supposed to be that cold again tonight.  The fireplace is consuming our small wood supply.  I am glad that Steve cut down the eight-foot diameter stag horn ferns and put them in the garage.  He has left the heat on in the garage on over the last couple of nights.

My niece called from Connecticut to ask "how cold is it?"  My answer:  "too darned!"  The temperature is not that much different there.  The newspeople are calling the snow a "treat."  Are they nuts!!!!!  BRRRRRR

Manatees are congregating in warm canals; sea turtles are being rescued as they are in a como like state.  It's too cold.  I know y'all in the warmer climates think I am whining.  Well, yes, you are correct.  I am whining.  Wonder what kind of cheese goes with this particular whine (wine).

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